Tafsir Quran Indonesia
Al'Quran Bahasa Indonesia - Read the Quran in Bahasa Indonesia - Resume reading from the last verse you have read with a single click! - (NEW) Prayer reminders: suscribe to notifications of your local prayer times. Auto-setup available. Settings section to easily configure the app. Swipe from left to right to go to the previous surah or from right to left to go to the next surah. New design with ActionBar!
- Copy ayat to clipboard. Resume surah audio playback from any ayat.
Browse suras, Ajiza' and ayat. Search by clicking on search icon. You can search in the whole Quran, in a Juz or in any sura.
A long click over a verse will add it to bookmarks, share it on social media or messaging apps, or attach notes to it. Listen to the arab recitation (by Abdullah Basfar) inside each surah. Audio Manager to easily download and delete the recitations. Note section: read all your notes at once. Limitations of the free version. The search function displays the first 50 results.
Tafsir bi-al-ma'thur (tafsir bi-al-riwaya) Tafsir bi-al-ma'thur, or commonly known as tafsir bi-al-riwaya, is the method of commenting on the Qur'an using traditional sources. Tafsir bi-al-riwaya connotes tafsir using another portion of the Qur'an, or sayings of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, or saying of his companions.
You can add up to 5 favorites. Non-intrusive ads. Download surah audio one by one Special features of the professional version (Al'Quran Bahasa Indonesia PRO).
Tafsir Al Quran Indonesia Pdf
For a comfortable reading, choose between three different contrast modes: default, green or black & white. Read Quran in portrait or landscape modes. The search returns all matches. Unlimited favorites. Improved speed. Download all recitations with a single click.
Tafsir Fi Zilalil Quran Indonesia Pdf
Only Bahasa not Mixed with arabic it's speak nonstop bahasa indonesia not inculuded arabic it's very useful for concentration listen online or download, i plan to upload everytihgn to but for now you can 42 language audio quran translation you can now Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Azeri, Bahasa Indonesia, Bangla, Bengali, Berber Tamazight, Bosnian, Chinese, English, Filipino, French, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Korean, Kurdish, Malayalam, Maranao, Marathi, Pashto, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, swahili, Tagalog, Tamil, Telagu, Turkish, Urdu, Uygur, Uzbek.