Indian Penal Code (IPC, Hindi: भारतीय दण्ड संहिता) is the main. It was drafted in 1860. In the state of Jammu and Kashmir, the IPC is known as Ranbir Penal Code (RPC). After independence, Indian Penal Code was inherited by Pakistan (now called Pakistan Penal Code) and Bangladesh, formerly part of British India. It was also adopted wholesale by the British colonial authorities in Burma, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, and remains the basis of the criminal codes in those countries Wikipedia. Here you can download IPC 1860 pdf version. This file has been sourced from internet, you may verify with other sources. You can buy IPC 1860 in Hindi ( Bhartiya Dand Sanhita, 1860 ) book from. You can transfer it to your phone,kindle, tablet or any other pdf supporting gadget for reading with ease, whenever you want without being online.

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The requisite result. When a sensitiv e legal provi sion is brought in to the statute book, the victims of the crime feel adequately safe, and if the said provision pertains to matrimonial sphere, both the parties, namely, wife and husband or any one from the side of the husband is booked for the offence and bot h the sides play the victim card. The accused persons, while asserting as victims, exposit grave concern and the situation of harassment is bui lt with enormous anxiety and accentuated vi gour. It is propounded in a court of law that the penal provision is abused to an unimaginable extent, for in a cruel, ruthless and totally revengeful manner, the young, old and relatives residing at distant places having no involvement with th e incident, if any, are roped in.

Thus, the abuse of the penal provision has vertical ly risen. When the implementation of law is abused by the law enforcing agency, the legislature introduces a protective prov ision as r egards arre st. Needless to say, the courts have ample power to grant pre-arrest bail or popularly called anticipatory bail and even to quash the criminal proceeding totally to stabilize the lawful balance because no court of law remotely conceives of a war between the two sexes. The courts remain constantly alive to the situati on that though no war takes place, yet neither anger nor vendetta of the aggrieved section should take an advantage of the legal provision and harass the other side with influence or espousing the principle of sympathy. The role of the law enforcing agency or the prosecuting. Agency is sometimes coloured with superlative empathy being totally oblivious of the sensation to make maladroit efforts to compete with the game of super sensitivity.

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Such a situation brings in a social disaster that has the potentiality to vertically divide the society. The sense of sensitivity and the study of social phenomenon are required to be understood with objectivity. In such a si tuation, it is oblig atory on the part of t he legislature to bring in protective adjective law and the duty of the constitutional courts to perceive and scrutinize the protective measure so that the social m enace is curbed. We are, in the instant matters, focussing on Section 498-A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (for short. Section 498-A was brought into the statute book in the year 1983. The objects and reasons for introducing Section 498-A IPC can be gathered from the Statement of Objects and Reasons of Criminal Law (Second Amendment) Act of 1983 and read as under:- 'The increasing number of Dowry Deaths is a matter of serious concern. The extent of evil has been commented upon by the Joint Committee of the Houses constituted to examine the working of Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961.

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Cases of cruelty by the husband and the relatives of the husband which culminate in suicide by, or murder of the hapless woman concerned, constitute only a small fraction of the cases involving such cruelty. It is, therefore proposed to amend the Indian Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure and the Indian Evidence Act suitably to deal effectively not only with cases of Dowry Death but also cruelty to married woman by their in laws.

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