Program Kerja Perpustakaan Sekolah
- Program Kerja Kepala Sekolah Smk
- Program Kerja Perpustakaan Sekolah Dasar
- Program Kerja Perpustakaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama
YLAI is a non-profit foundation that aims to develop a reading culture, and a love of reading amongst Indonesian primary aged children in all schools throughout Indonesia. It provides training in innovative reading methodology, and provides specific support in how to implement a strong Indonesian reading program in primary classrooms. YLAI therefore aims to provide quality reading books, resources, and teacher guides for use in classrooms and libraries in Indonesia.
It also works to develop the skills of writers and illustrators of children’s books to meet the demand for innovative and enriching experiences through literacy.
Diadakan meeting mengenai perkembangan perpustakaan ” Aneka Ilmu” Menyesuaikan. Diadakan promosi bahan pustaka dan perpustakaan bagi warga sekitar sekolah dan warga sekolah menggunakan pamflet maupun menggunakan media informasi di program TI. Galeri Guru – Contoh Program Kerja Perpustakaan Sekolah – Untuk Bapak/Ibu yang di kesempatan ini sedang membutuhkan suatu program kerja di.
Program Kerja Kepala Sekolah Smk
The quality of education is very influential on the development of students' motivation in exploring science knowledge. Library as a resource center for its progress into the backbone of an institution, especially educational institutions to place demands for adaptation to the development of information is very high.
The focus of this study are: 1) the procurement of library materials planning, 2) service circulation and service references, 3) supporting and inhibiting factors, 4) efforts to overcome the constraints of library development, and 5) efforts to increase the.This study aimed to describe the organize of libraries in SMK Kartika 2 Surabaya in increasing students' motivation. This study used descriptive qualitative approach.
Program Kerja Perpustakaan Sekolah Dasar
Techniques of data collection using interviews, observation, and documentation.Data were analyzed by performing data reduction, data display, and conclusion, and to increase confidence in the results of the research done checking the validity of the data with the test of credibility, transferability test, test dependability, and confirmability test. The results of this study 1) planning procurement of library materials in the library SMK Kartika 2 Surabaya books planned in accordance with criteria established by the book keeper and in accordance with the needs of students. (2) forms of circulation services are still using manual systems and forms of service references to provide information about library books to students. (3) analysis of the inhibiting factors that have not implemented the IT (information technology), while the factors supporting the collection of books in accordance with the needs of students, staff provide service with friendly and good.
(4) efforts to overcome obstacles is to make the system turn, if a lot of students who want to go to the library because the rooms were less extensive. (5) to increase students 'motivation book keeper gives containing slogans and posters about the importance of reading, so students will be motivated to come to the library despite the students' interest is still lacking.
Program Kerja Perpustakaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama
Keywords: Organize, Motivation to Learn Full Text.